
New Cabin - It's been far too long....

  Dear readers - It's been far too long. Are you still out there? I will understand if you are not, and then I will simply write into the void, because the void always listens - whether we want her to or not. That is something it is always worth bearing in mind. An awfully long time ago - more than half my lifetime ago - there was a meme doing the rounds. Yes, even back then, before the advent of mobile phone technology and before the advent of the internet, or Facebook, or Twitter, we still had memes; it was just that they were passed from mouth to mouth in the old-fashioned way, just like a biological virus. So, anyway, back in those days there was a meme doing the rounds that said "Be careful what you wish for - it might just happen..." It turns out, the origin of that phrase is Aesop's Fables and a little tale called "The Old Man and Death"  The Old Man and Death - Fables of Aesop This very brief teaching story tells of a world-weary man, bent double wit...
Full 2022-23 Introduction to Jungian Principles and Practice course dates   MODULE 1 - INDIVIDUATION April 7 May 12 April 14 May 19 April 21 May 26 April 28 June 2 ** NO COURSE MAY 5 MODULE 2 - TRANSFERENCE-PROJECTION-COMPLEXES                      July 7 August 11                      July 14 August 18                      July 21 August 25                     July28 September 1 ** NO COURSE AUGUST 4 ...
  INTRODUCTION TO JUNGIAN PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Discover the Hidden Language of the Unconscious   32 Week Course in 4 modules.  First module starts Thursday April 7 th 2022. Registration closes Thursday March 17 th 2022. Learn practical techniques for increasing consciousness. Engage in dialogue between the conscious ego and the inner psyche. Uncover and engage your most deeply held desires and path. Identify your personal and archetypal symbols.  Understand and practice Jungian dream interpretation. Apply the technique of active imagination. A year long course spread over 4 modules of 8 meetings in each module. Those completing the full year will receive a Certificate in Jungian Principles and Practice. Cost of full course £1,120 when booked in full in advance Cost per module - £300 When paying in advance for block of 8   Time and Date – 6.30pm to 8.30pm on THURSDAY evenings – Weekly from 7 TH April 2022 Ven...

At the still point of the turning world - Just do nothing...

JUST DO NOTHING I have just been reviewing some of the posts I have been alerted about on various social media platforms – mainly Facebook and LinkedIn and I am conscious of the massive reaction there is/was, particularly in the early days of the current pandemic crisis. The thing I notice about it all is that the core message is EXTROVERT! GET OUT THERE! – So, repeated messages were in the nature of “ get out there and get going! ”, “get stuck into the corona-spirit-shadow”, “Writers, get to writing, painters get painting and share online ”, and I must confess that my earlier post was of the same tone – even though I was suggesting a return to introversion, my messages still carried an expectation of work, of achievement, of “meeting the challenge”. Yet, the experience of the patients who have continued to work with me online was different – I was repeatedly hearing concerns expressed that they “weren’t doing anything” – “I know there are all these things I could be doing...

The Sage King and The Rainmaker

The Sage King and The Rainmaker I consulted the I Ching yesterday morning - there's nothing unusual in that, I have consulted the I Ching on and off when needed or just when something inclined me to for the past 45 years or more; and more or less since the beginning of the current crisis, I have done so on an almost daily basis. Now, I must admit, I first discovered the I Ching in the Seventies through popular culture, however, I soon discovered that Jung had written an introduction to the first translation to be widely produced in Europe and that he continued to consult and study it throughout his life. "having performed his duties and isolated himself from the world . ..." So, I consulted the I Ching yesterday and obtained Hexagram 17 Following with the sixth line changing - and there, in the translation that was chosen yesterday, I read: "The sage-king, having performed his duties and isolated himself from the world..." - The 'sage-kin...


CORONAVIRUS CHALLENGES AND GIFTS COLLECTIVE DREAMING The current situation will bring different challenges and gifts to each of us, and some of those challenges and gifts may have a more universal character. One of the most commonly repeated phrases I am hearing is "I feel like I'm in a film" and of course, that's because we are living in a film. Cultural products are the artist's expression of a collective dream, and as we know, dreams do not just compensate, they also foretell - and this is why they have been looked to as sources of divination in so many cultures throughout history. This is not the same as prophecy where the voice of the deity says how it will be. YOU DON'T NEED A WEATHERMAN... No, this is more the unconscious foretelling the unfolding of events based on current trends - not unlike a weather forecast. So, writers and film-makers for generations have been producing dystopian narratives that have in some ways been fo...

The Sun and the Strangeness

The Sun and the Strangeness The sun was back out today, although the temperature wasn't warm enough to sit out and read like last week. That didn't seem to deter the first tulips though, who didn't seem to need much encouragement to show off their bright beauty. And the Acer seems to have decided it's going to coordinate with the colour scheme... And all the other flowers continue to thrive... And now for the Strangeness... I had reason to travel into Newcastle City Centre today. I rarely travel into the city since I closed my office there. However, with the recent isolation, where I live has felt even more isolated - those of you who know it will know it's the complete opposite of the city - and I started to feel a bit of cabin fever and thought I had better get out into the world a bit. So a trip into town seemed like a good idea. Nothing seemed particularly different, perhaps the roads were a little quieter, but other than t...