Spring morning in the garden

This is for those of you who might start to miss the sights and sounds around the cabin - and for those of you who find it difficult to get into nature... Hopefully, I will post images or videos regularly. This is a public blog, so please feel free to share a link with anyone you think may appreciate it.

Stay well everyone, and keep looking for the opportunity for growth in whatever situation you may encounter.


  1. Thanks for the video Nick. We might be living in what could be perceived as an introvert's world right now, but due to the nature of my job I am still being forced to operate out of my inferior and still under-developed extrovert function (at least in my professional life) while my more dominant introvert is sulking in the corner because it wants to enjoy self-isolation 24/7. This video is a refreshing reminder of how much more important it is to remain centred during this time of uncertainty. When I come off night shift tomorrow I'm taking my introvert into my garden to listen to the birdsong and let my imagination run free. It will be truly glorious!

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment "Unknown" - I hope you get to spend many more mornings sitting in the garden listening to the birdsong....


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