
Showing posts from February, 2023

New Cabin - It's been far too long....

  Dear readers - It's been far too long. Are you still out there? I will understand if you are not, and then I will simply write into the void, because the void always listens - whether we want her to or not. That is something it is always worth bearing in mind. An awfully long time ago - more than half my lifetime ago - there was a meme doing the rounds. Yes, even back then, before the advent of mobile phone technology and before the advent of the internet, or Facebook, or Twitter, we still had memes; it was just that they were passed from mouth to mouth in the old-fashioned way, just like a biological virus. So, anyway, back in those days there was a meme doing the rounds that said "Be careful what you wish for - it might just happen..." It turns out, the origin of that phrase is Aesop's Fables and a little tale called "The Old Man and Death"  The Old Man and Death - Fables of Aesop This very brief teaching story tells of a world-weary man, bent double wit...